Mulberry Childcare can easily provide a ready to go Afterschool Service for schools to remove the administrative and management burden on already stretched school management.
Mulberry Childcare has 11 years experience and employs over 30 childcare professionals so has the knowledge, expertise and scalability to provide afterschool services to your school.
What we can provide –
* Breakfast Club – 8.00am to school start: Breakfast, supervision and fun before school starts
* Afterschool – School finish time to 6.00pm: Meal and snacks provided, homework done, indoors and outdoors activities
* Bus Cover – Can provide supervision until bus pickup
* Meals: Full dinners or lighter snack can be provided depending on schools requirements.
With the recently launched updated procedures on the use of school property outside of school hours these updated procedures highlight the value and importance of school buildings and school sports facilities being used outside of school hours from the perspective of:
• Facilitating the provision of early learning and care and school age childcare which is strongly encouraged
Mulberry Childcare as your chosen provider can provide high quality early learning care and school age care to help support the social fabric of community life through facilitating access to local facilities.
Please complete the form below for more information and lets meet to discuss your schools requirements.